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Challenges with Emotional Eating in Sun Valley Nevada

Challenges with Emotional Eating in Sun Valley Nevada

Food is needed for survival but what happens if you have challenges with food? Do you ever overeat or emotionally eat in Sun Valley Nevada?  Learn about challenges with cravings, emotional eating, and stress eating.

According to an article at, “What You Need To Know About Overeating, Stress Eating, and Emotional Eating

“Regardless, many of us have had experience with overeating. So what causes this uncontrollable urge to stuff our faces? With one-third of the U.S. adult population suffering from obesity, people are flocking to the next fad diet or fat-busting fitness program. But that can’t solve the problem for everyone in the long run. Instead, let’s dig a little deeper to discover why we overeat (and how to stop).

The Stuffing — The Need-To-Know

So here’s the breakdown: When we have cravings, good memories we’ve tied to that specific food comes to mind. These pleasing memories fuel our anticipation to eat that food. Once we eat it, we feel rewarded, and the brain keeps seeking that reward until the food is gone. But it’s not just about old memories. The body can play other tricks to make us think it’s time to chow down, too.

Mixed Signals

Ever eat something, but the stomach keeps rumbling like it’s asking for more? It can be easy to misread out bodies’ signals and needs, and the mixed messages start at an early age. One study found out that three year olds stop eating when full because they’re better at listening to their bodies’ hunger cues. Five year olds, on the other hand, start paying attention to factors other than hunger when chowing down, so they’ll often finish what’s in front of them, even after they’re full. But it’s not just about the full factor: We can also misread what our bodies are telling us to feed them. Another study found that people tend to reach for super salty foods when they’re actually dehydrated.

Mindless Eating

When the latest brood of botoxed housewives (or football players) are brawling on TV, it’s all too easy to stuff our faces with whatever’s within reach and not even notice how much we’re consuming. That uber-entertaining TV show can easily distract from the natural food cues our bodies are giving us. Plus, commercials tend to lure folks in with 37 percent of them hawking delicious food items. In fact, some research suggests that watching TV during mealtime promotes overeating and weight gain. Food environment, or the atmosphere, distractions and people we surround ourselves with, can also have a huge effect on the quality and quantity of what we eat.

Emotional And Stress Eating

When life starts to get hectic and dramatic like the latest soap opera, many people use food for comfort to cope with negative emotions. Emotional eating can increase happiness for a short time, but the harm is more long lived. Actually, people with stress related problems are 13.4 percent more likely to be overweight or obese.”

Are you searching for a healthier way to deal with your emotional eating? For more information on how to get help for an eating disorder in Sun Valley Nevada visit

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